About Rengine

On a mission to reinvent how people sell and build products.


Selling custom products often involves dealing with fragmented processes and unhappy customers. However, it doesn't have to be this way. Rengine's mission is to assist companies in transforming their innovative product ideas into reality.

The outcome? Expanding businesses and happier customers who receive precisely what they envisioned, and more - pain-free.

✧ Inspire, Educate & Solve Problems ✧




Traditional Sales Materials

360-Degree view, zoom and auto-rotation.

Configure colors, materials and size variations in real-time.

Build your own product variations with different components.

Interactive hotspots for guides, videos, links, light and sound.

Annotations and tags for detailed labes and descriptions.

AR compatibility with your ecommerce platform and website.

3D Configure, Price and Quote (CPQ)

Animations (e.g., exploded component view).




Traditional Sales Materials

Hyper-realistic & accurate product representation.

Reveals layers of in-depth information and product variations based on user preferences.

Showcases all product versions, from the idea to the final concept on the web.

Speeds up decision making and confidence to buy.

Saves costs on physical prototypes.

Works on autopilot for sales and marketing.

Scalable across industries and products & drives business growth.

✧ The Benefits of 3D Are Endless...  ✧


increase in conversion rate.


increase in time spent on a product page.


reduction in product returns.


higher satisfaction rate.


cost reduction in physical prototypes.


higher click-through rate compared to using static images or 2D.

✧ 10 Myths vs Facts  ✧



Myth: Implementation Of a 3D Configurator Is Too Complex

FactModern 3D configurator platforms are designed to be user-friendly and can integrate seamlessly with existing systems.

Myth: They Are Too Expensive To Implement

FactAlthough initial set-up costs can be expected, the long-term benefits often outweigh the expenses. Increased sales, reduced product returns, and improved customer engagement can lead to a significant return on investment.

Myth: Customers Prefer Seeing Products In Person

Fact:  While some customers may prefer in-person shopping, many appreciate the flexibility for online customization. In fact, 3D configuration simplifies the sales process by providing a unique, immersive online shopping experience.

Myth: 3D Configuration Doesn't Offer Real Business Value

Fact:  Numerous case studies and industry reports show that 3D configurators can significantly boost conversion rates, reduce product returns, and increase customer engagement. They offer tangible business value by improving the overall efficiency of the sales process and enhancing customer experience.

Myth: 3D Configurators Are Only for Large Companies

Fact:  While large companies may have been early adopters, 3D configurators are now accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Myth: Only Tech-Savvy Customers Will Use Them

Fact:  The intuitive design of 3D configurators makes them accessible to a wide range of customers. The interactive and engaging nature appeals to various demographics, not just those who are tech-savvy.

Myth: 3D Configurators Are Just a Flashy Tool

Fact:  3D configurators provide substantial value beyond just being a flashy tool. They enhance the shopping experience by allowing customers to customize products in real-time, leading to more informed purchasing decisions and higher satisfaction rates.

Myth: It’s Only for Certain Industries

Fact:  3D configurators can be applied across various industries, including furniture, automotive, electronics, consumer products, and more. Any business that offers customizable products can benefit from using a 3D configurator.

Myth: They Are Difficult to Maintain

Fact: Maintaining a 3D configurator is straightforward. We offer ongoing updates and superior technical support to ensure the configurator runs smoothly and stays up-to-date.

Myth: They Slow Down Website Performance

Fact: Modern 3D configurators are optimized for performance and can be integrated without significantly impacting website speed. With our proper implementation, you get seamless experience without compromising site performance.